About Us
- We believe that children need to feel safe to explore their world and try new things.
- Children need to feel nurtured. They need to know that they are special and unique. Their hurt feelings count, their sadness is comforted, their joy is shared, and their accomplishments are praised.
- Children need to be stimulated academically. They need to be exposed to age-appropriate curriculum that will allow them to be successful. They need to have opportunities to express their creativity. Children are social and as they move from parallel play to cooperative play, they need to be guided towards socially acceptable behaviors.
- Children need to be children. They need to play and pretend and embrace this amazing time in their lives.
At Pee Wee Preschool, in Paradise, California, we embrace our role in providing a nurturing environment for this sacred time in their lives.
Early education prepares your child to be successful all throughout life, because you created the foundation of success.
Core Values
Pee Wee Preschool believes that every child is a miracle. Pee Wee Preschool is Where Kids Come First.
We believe in providing children with state of the art education, where your child will learn with phonics, the alphabet as a precursor to reading, socialization to learn soft skills, and to be kindergarten-ready.
We believe in teamwork. We believe that teachers and parents work together to accomplish shared goals in the child’s development and growth.
Our Beginning